Freshman - My brother is a ........... in high school, so he is in his first year., Sophomore - She is a ..........., which means she is in her second year of college., Junior - He is a ........... in high school, so he has one more year before he graduates., Senior - As a .............., she is excited to finish her last year of university., Community college - He decided to attend a community college to save money before transferring to a university., University - She wants to study medicine at a 4-year ............ after she finishes high school., State - He chose to go to a ............ college because it is cheaper and close to home., Private - She received a scholarship to attend a ............ college, which has smaller classes., Undergraduate - Bachelors of Arts (BA), Bachelors of Fine Arts (BFA), and Bachelors of Science (BS) are ............. degrees. , Graduate - Master of Arts (MA), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Master of Business (MBA), Master of Science (MS), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are .......... degrees. ,

Vocabulary (College and University - 270) - Game 2


Bảng xếp hạng

Phong cách trực quan

Tùy chọn

Chuyển đổi mẫu

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