1) She was so elated when she received the prize - elated a) Angry b) Thrilled c) Tired d) Confused 2) The food at the feast was absolutely scrumptious - scrumptious  a) Delicious b) Bland c) Bitter d) Average 3) The teacher asked for a concise summary of the book - concise  a) long b) Detailed c) Confusing d) Short 4) The knight behaved in a very valiant manner during the battle - valiant  a) Brave b) Weak c) Cruel d) Lazy 5) She found his excuse to be highly implausible - implausible  a) Predictable b) Logical c) Unbelievable d) Truthful 6) The witness gave a candid account of the incident - candid a) Secretive b) honest c) Angry d) Long 7) Although quite long, her argument was definitely coherent - coherent  a) Logical b) Broken c) Confusing d) Jumbled 8) The explorers ventured into the treacherous jungle - treacherous a) Wild b) Safe c) Obscure d) Dangerous 9) The CEO's plan for a new game pack was deemed innovative - innovative  a) risky  b) Boring c) creative d) Traditional 10) The politician gave a profound speech that moved the audience - profound a) Shallow b) Deep c) Humorous d) Boring 11) The hikers were warned about the volatile weather conditions - volatile  a) freezing b) Predictable c) Gentle d) unstable 12) The thief made a furtive attempt to steal the jewels - furtive a) sneaky b) unnecessary c) renewed d) unintentional 13) The scientist presented a meticulous analysis of the data - meticulous  a) Erroneous b) Rushed c) Confusing d) Careful 14) His assumption turned out to be erroneous, since he arrested the wrong man - erroneous  a) clever b) mistaken c) subtle d) ridiculous

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