1) The Pilgrims fled from _______ . a) England b) Holland 2) The Pilgrims went to Holland far from the reforms of King Henry the ____ a) VIII  b) III 3) The Pilgrims boarded the ship ____________. a) Bayflower b) Mayflower 4) The Mayflower anchored in the _______________ Bay. a) Massachusetts b) Road Island 5) By Plymouth Rock they dicembarked in _____________ . a) 1620 b) 1621 6) The Native American ____________ from the wood arrived. a) Squanto b) Samoset  7) Samoset brought _____________ who could speak English. a) Squanto b) MassasoitI 8) Squanto was a traveler from the _____________ Tribe. a) Apache b) Abenaki 9) The Pilgrims learned to plant _______________ . a) corn b) wheat 10) In 1620 ____________ Pilgrims had arrived, but by fall of 1621 only half were still alive. a) 74 b) 102 11) The Pilgrims invited the Wampanoag to a _____________ Harvest Jive. a) 3 - day b) 2 - day 12) ________________ wrote about a 3 - day Harvest Jive. a) William Shakespeare b) William Bradford 13) _______________ decreed to all a national Thanksgiving Day in 1789. a) George Washington  b) John Adams 14) _______________ made the Day a national Holiday annually. a) Thomas Jefferson b) Abraham Lincoln 15) The President said it would take place one day every year ___________________ . a) the last Thursday in November b) the 3rd Thursday in November

history of Thanksgiving quiz

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