mechanical energy - The sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy in a system, Law of Conservation of Energy - states that although energy is always transferring from one form to another, energy is not created or destroyed., work - the transfer of energy to an object by a force that makes an object move in the direction of the force, Gravitational Potential energy - stored energy due to the interaction of objects in a gravitational field, Potential energy - the energy due to interactions between objects or particles when distance changes, elastic potential energy - the energy stored in objects that are compressed or stretched, such as springs or rubber bands, kinetic energy - the energy due to motion, Kinetic energy is dependent upon - mass and speed, thermal energy - energy in the form of hear, nonlinear - not consisting of or relating to lines, inequality symbols - a shorthand notation used to compare different quantities < > =, joule - a unit of work or energy,

2.3 Conservation of Energy


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