PolyPhonic Texture - Multiple words at once, Improvisation - A melody made up on the spot using Blues Scale, Melodic Riff - A repeated idea in the main melody played on an instrument, Homophonic Texture - A piece with a melody or chords/accompaniment, Musical ornaments - Notes added to a melody to decorate it, Ground bass - A short repeated melody usually played on a bass instrument, Walking bass line - A repetitive melody played on a bass instrument created using the notes of a chord on the beat of each bar, Popular blues music structure - 12 Bar Blues, What is the name of a repeated section in a song - Chorus, When was the baroque period - 1600-1750, What were dynamics in the baroque period - Terraced, Blues Scale - A group of 6 notes that can be used to improvise a melody, What is a Rhythmic riff - A repeated idea heard in the drums or bass parts,

Music ILE Revision

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