1) Henry the Navigator a) came to Mosselbai b) Calicut c) built first school d) 1519-1522 2) Bartolomeo Diaz 1 a) came to Mosselbai b) Hispaniola c) trade winds d) built first school 3) Bartolomeo Diaz  2 a) 1450-1500 b) 1499-1500 c) Cape of Storms/ Cape of Good Hope d) came to Mosselbai 4) Bartolomeo Diaz 3 a) Carrebean islands b) 1450-1500 c) Hispaniola d) Tenochtitlan 5) Vasco da Gama 1 a) 1519-1522 b) 1497-1499 c) 1450-1500 d) Cape of Storms/ Cape of Good Hope 6) Vasco da Gama 2 a) Calicut b) Tenochtitlan c) 1519-1522 d) built first school 7) Christopher Columbus 1 a) Carrebean islands b) 1519-1522 c) Tenochtitlan d) patagonian giants 8) Christopher Columbus 2 a) trade winds b) Hispaniola c) Aztec Empire d) Cape of Storms/ Cape of Good Hope 9) Christopher Columbus 3 a) Cape of Storms/ Cape of Good Hope b) Calicut c) 1492 d) 1519-1522 10) Ferdinand de Magellan 1 a) 1492 b) 1519-1522 c) trade winds d) Hispaniola 11) Ferdinand de Magellan 2 a) Tenochtitlan b) Calicut c) patagonian giants d) 1492 e) the Phillipines 12) Ferdinand de Magellan 3 a) 1450-1500 b) Tenochtitlan c) 1492 d) trade winds 13) Ferdinand de Magellan 4 a) Cape of Storms/ Cape of Good Hope b) Straight of Magellan c) 1450-1500 d) 1499-1500 14) Amerigo Vespucci 1 a) Montezuma II b) patagonian giants c) trade winds d) 1499-1500 15) Amerigo Vespucci 2 a) Hispaniola b) Mundus Novus c) 1519-1522 d) built first school 16) Hernan Cortez 1 a) 1492 b) 1497-1499 c) Aztec Empire d) patagonian giants 17) Hernan Cortez 2 a) Mundus Novus b) Tenochtitlan c) Montezuma II d) Calicut e) Mexico

Explorers and their legacy

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