This is considered the "powerhouse" of a cell. This is where cellular respiration occurs, This is the "command center" of a cell. This organelle contains all the genetic material for an organism., These tiny organelles are "protein factories." They synthesize proteins from amino acids. , This organelle can be rough or smooth.  The rough is studded with ribosomes. These organelles serve as a transport system., This is the "jelly-like fluid" inside a cell. This is what holds all the other organelles in place., This organelle is specific to plant cells. This organelle is where photosynthesis takes place. , This organelle is where the processing and packaging of proteins take place. This is like the "UPS center." Proteins packaged here are ready to leave the cell  , This organelle creates a barrier between the inside and the outside of the cell. Acting like a "bouncer" this organelle decides what can enter and leave a cell.  , This organelle is only found in plant cells. It's an extra layer aorund the outside of the cell that helps give support and structure to the cell., These organelles act like the "clean-up crew" of a cell. They contain digestive enzymes that breakdown nutrients and waste., This organelle can be found in animal and plant cells and is like a "storage container" for nutrients, waste, or water. Plant cells have a large one of these filled with water. It helps to maintain the shape of plant cells.  ,



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