Synonyms - Definition - Two or more forms with closely related meanings, but not identical, Synonyms - Example - Huge - Enormous, Hyponyms - Definition - Meaning of one form included in the meaning of another, Hyponyms - Example - Salmon - Fish, Homophones - Definition - Different written form, two or more unrelated meanings, Homophones - Example - Flour - Flower, Homonyms - Definition - Same written and pronounced form, two or more unrelated meanings, Homonyms - Example - Bank (of a river) or Bank (financial institution) , Polysemy - Definition - Same written and pronounced form; two or more related meanings, Polysemy - Example - Run (what a person does with legs) or Run (run for office, colors) , Collocations - Definition - The company words keep, Collocations - Example - Fast Food (not connected but work together),

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