1) Creep is to spider as prance is to a) elephant b) turtle c) deer d) snake 2) Blurry is to vision as deaf is to a) hearing b) sight c) touch d) ugly 3) Laugh is to jolly as shiver is a) scared b) unhappy c) jolly d) downcast 4) festive is to downcast as angry is to a) annoyed b) pleased c) sad d) grumpy 5) crevice is to canyon as stream is to a) drip b) river c) storm d) hurricane 6) trumpet is to orchestra as tree is to a) leaf b) limb c) forest d) termite 7) blurry is to vision as murky is to a) coffee b) dirt c) mud d) water 8) bough is to limb as wheel is to a) bike b) car c) tire d) bus 9) journey is to travel as clutch is to a) pinch b) purse c) grip d) drop 10) tremble is to steady as festive is to a) downcast b) party c) happy d) carnival 11) conductor is to paperclip as flammable is to a) pool b) fruit c) log d) cans 12) gibberish is to speech as scribble is to a) dancing b) hearing c) speaking d) writing 13) overcast is to stormy as talking is to a) whispering b) yelling c) silence d) thinking 14) scramble is to mix up as trumpet is to a) blare b) orchestra c) instrument d) brass 15) brave is to coward as generous is to a) stingy b) helpful c) kind d) mean 16) nibble is to gobble as sip is to a) thirsty b) swallow c) eat d) guzzle

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