-cede- -ceed- -cess- - go, yield, -scend- - climb, go, -cept- - to take, to leave out, -cide -cise - cut, kill, -sect - cut, -cite- - to call, to move, -duce- - to lead, senti- sens- - feel, -sess- -sid- -sed- - sit, -side- - side or part, -sist- - cause to stand, mono- - one, photo- - light, tele- -tel- -telo- - far, distant, complete, micro- - very short, small, astro- - star, stars, outer space, -gram- - letter, written, -scope- -scopp- - see, examine, observe, -ology - study of, science of, -graph- -graphy - writing, recording, written, -tion. -sion - state or quality,

7.1 Morphology

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