1) -21 + 34 a) -13 b) 55 c) 13 2) -15 + (-15) a) -30 b) 0 c) 30 3) 4 + (-12) a) -16 b) -8 c) 8 4) 41 + (-41) a) 0 b) 82 c) -82 5) -23 + 32 a) 9 b) -9 c) 55 d) -55 6) 2.45 + (-1.8) a) -0.65 b) 0.65 c) 4.25 d) -4.25 7) When adding negative and positive numbers you a) add their absolute values and keep the sign of the number with the greater absolute value b) subtract their absolute value and keep the sign of the number with the greater absolute value 8) -4 + (-9) a) -5 b) 5 c) 13 d) -13 9) -17 + 20 a) 3 b) -3 c) -37 10) 18.25 + (-50) a) -31.25 b) 31.25 c) -31.75 d) 31.75 11) When adding two negative numbers a) you add their absolute value and keep the signs b) subtract their absolute value and keep the sign 12) -5.38 + 7.9 a) 13.28 b) -13.28 c) 2.52 d) -2.52

Adding Rational Numbers

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