These are my guests therefore do not disgrace me. - Prophet Lut, Oh my people! Enter the holy land which Allah has ordained for you, and do not turn on your back, for then you will turn back losers. - Prophet Musa, My Rabb! I do hereby dedicate to you what is within my womb, so accept from me, surely You, only You are the all Hearing, the all-Knowing. - Maryam's mother, Did I not tell you that you would never be able to have patience with me? - Khidir, O son of my mother ! Do not seize by my beard or by my head. - Prophet Harun, I believe that there is no deity but He one whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am one who surrenders. - Fir'awn, If you laugh at us then surely we will laugh at you just as you are laughing. - Prophet Nuh, And not diminish the measure and the balance, surely I see you well-to- do, and surely I fear for you the chastisement of an all- encompassing day. - Prophet Shu'aib, Make his stay honorable. It may be that he will be of benefit to us, or that we may adopt him as a son. - Aziz, the Egyptian, Our Rabb! Surely I have settled some of my offspring in a valley without having agriculture, near your Sacred House. - Prophet Ibrahim, I shall soon take shelter on a mountain; it will protect me from the water. - Prophet Nuh's son, Now send one of you with this silver of yours to the city, then let him find out which is the purest food. - The dwellers of cave, Bring me molten copper that I may pour over it. - Dhu al- Qurnian, O you Chiefs! An honorable letter has indeed been delivered to me. - Bilqis, queen of Sheba, O my son! Do not associate with Allah. Surely polytheism is indeed a grievous wrongdoing. - Luqman,
Who said 2?
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