When did the recording of Ahadith start? - In Rasulullah's life, Who wrote AlMuwatta'? - Imam Malik, What is the name of the book of Imam Malik? - Muwatta', What is the name of the city that Imam Malik born in? - Madinah, To which level did Imam Malik reach? - Mujtahid, What did the book Al Muwatta' contain? - The Ahadith of Rasulullah, and legal opinion of the Shabah, the successors, and of some latter authorities, Who wrote the book Musnad? - Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, What is the name of the book that Ahmad Ibn Hanbal write? - The Musnad, Which knowledge in Islamic history did Imam Ahmad combine? - Ahadith and law, How many volumes does the book AlMusnad have? - Six, Where is Imam Bukhari from? - Bukhara, How old was Bukhari when he started studying the Ahadeeth? - Less than ten, What did AlBukhari memorize by the age of sixteen? - Many books of the famous early scholars, What did AlBukhari study also? - The biographies of the narrators, What is the name of the famous book of Bukhari? - Sahih, What did AlBukhari cover in his book? - The Whole range of Fiqh, What does Fiqh mean? - Islamic jurisprudence, How many chapters does the book of AlBukhari have? - Ninety - seven, What is the most authentic book after the Quran? - As-Sahih, How old was a Muslim when he started to study the Ahadith? - At the age of 15, To where did Muslim travel to collect Ahadith? - Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq, What is the famous book of Muslim? - Sahih Muslim, What did Muslim establish? - The practice that the narrators must stand in unbroken sessions, What did Muslim introduce in his book Sahih? - Very useful discussion on the science of Hadith, What does As-Sahihain mean? - The Most Authentic collections, What does Muttafaqun 'Alaihi mean? - On Agreed Upon, To where did Imam At-Tirmidhi travel? - Iran, Iraq, and the Hijaz, What did Iman At-Tirmidhi discuss? - The legal opinions of early Imams regarding the subject of Ahadith, For how many chapters did the work of Imam At-Tirmidhi divde? - Fifty, How was Imam Abu- Dawud in his Sunana? - A trusted narrator of Ahadith and a careful collector and compiler,
Major works of Ahadith and their compilers
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