Sanskrit - A written language developed by the Aryans, Caste System - Rigid social categories that determine each person's position in Indian society, reincarnation - the belief that a person's soul is reborn in a different form after death, Brahmin - the top position in the social hierarchy of India, varnas - The four major social classes in Aryan society, dharma - divine law that requires people to do their duty, Hinduism - major religious system of India. Many gods and goddesses are worshipped-most important is Brahma, Buddhism - Religion-based on the teachings of Siddartha Gautama, rajas - Aryan leaders or princes of India, Kshatriyas - Warrior class of the Caste system, Sudras - Working class of the Caste system; largest population of India, Untouchables - The very lowest caste; somestimes not even part of the caste styem; given the worst jobs of society., monsoons - seasonal winds of India, karma - the idea that a person's actions will determine what their next life will be when they are reborn, Vaisyas - merchants or farmers of the caste system, nirvana - achieving wisdom, ultimate reality, and reuniting with the Great World Soul, subcontinent - a large landmass that is connected to the rest of the continent, vedas - the ancient book of sacred songs in which Hinduism's beliefs are based, Asoka - a king of India who was responsible for spreading Buddhism across Asia,
Ancient India Vocabualry
6th Grade
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