Most of my customers are very particular. They want wide lapels or narrow, lapels, a single vent or a double vent or no vent at all, turn-ups or plain bottoms. Flared trousers are out nowadays, so are tapered. Everyone wants them straight. Some people are even fussy about the lining. Everyone wants to be trendy. - tailor , When I start at 8:30, the baskets are already stacked, the trolleys are lined up near the door and the shelf-fillers have done their work. I make sure I've got a supply of carrier bags and enough change in the till and I'm ready to start.  - shop assistant, We get the latest weather briefing from the meteorologists and then we board. We say hello to the cabin crew, do a complete cockpit check, then wait for instructions through headphones to start taxi-ing out to the runway. - flight attendant , Two discharges today, but five admissions and Mrs Crowther's got to go to theater this afternoon. They have their mid-morning tea at 11, then, since it's Tuesday, the specialist will be doing his round at half-past. And there are always relatives' phone-calls to deal with. Next week I'm on night-shift. Excuse me, I must go and change some dressings.  - nurse, I picked up a fare at the station today. I was in the rank. Smartly-dressed chap. Wanted St Michael's Chruch. 'Going to a wedding?' I said. 'Yes, and I'm late.' Step on it,' he said. I did my best and as I dropped him off I said, 'Doesn't look as if they've started yet.' 'They can't,' he said, 'I'm the bridegroom.' And he didn't give me a tip! - taxi driver , We're fully-dressed in our helmets and protective clothing by the time we arrive. Then we start unrolling the hoses and getting the ladders ready in case they're needed. The worst things are hoax alarms. You can never be sure till you get there whether a call is genuine or not. Some people think it's fun to dial 998. - firefighter, I flashed my torch at where they were supposed to go, but they went further down the aisle and along the wrong row. Lucikly it was only during the credits or trailer or something, so they didn't disturb people too much. It's usually a pretty routine job, but last week the projectionist fell asleep just before she was supposed to change reels! - usher,

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