1) The cat is __?___ the box a) under b) on c) beside d) between e) above f) none of above 2) The cat is ____?____ the box. a) inside b) above c) between d) behind e) beside f) none of above 3) The cat is ___?___ the box a) inside /in b) front c) behind d) beside e) above f) none of above 4) The cat is ____?____ the box a) behind b) between c) in/inside d) in front of e) above f) none of above 5) The cat is in ___?__ of the box a) front b) beside c) on d) in e) behind f) none of above 6) The bird is ____?____ the box a) behind b) on c) in d) between e) under f) none of above 7) The bird is _?_ the box a) behind b) on c) in d) under e) none of above f) beside 8) The bird is _____ the box a) above b) in c) beside d) behind e) under f) none of above

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