Where is your favorite place in the world?, As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?, What is one thing you like about yourself?, If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?, What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?, What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?, What is something you're really good at?, If you had superpowers, what would they be?, What's your idea of a kind person?, What do you wish your friends or classmates knew about you?, Tell me something about you that you think I might not know., What makes you feel brave?, What makes you feel thankful?, What would you wish for if a genie gave you three wishes?, If you could make one absolute rule for a day, what would it be?, What makes a good friend?, What motivates you to wake up every day?, What is the best thing anyone has taught you to do?, My favorite singer or band is . . ., If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would do?, I want to get a job one day working at/ with / in.... (location, people, area).
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