1) What can you infer: Bang! The tree branch slammed against the window. I looked out the sky and saw a lightning bolt flash across the sky. I hoped my dog wasn't too scared. a) Lightning is in the sky. b) Branches hit the wall. c) There is a storm happening. d) My dog loves rain. 2) Make an inference: Three, two, one! The confetti flew in the air. Everyone cheered as the countdown went to zero. I just knew this year would be great. a) It is someone's birthday b) They are celebrating New Year's Eve c) They are counting down d) Counting down to zero takes forever 3) His stomach was rumbling. Looking down at his paper he couldn't focus. He looked up at the agenda, hmm.. only 10 more minutes. He thought about what he was going to eat and smiled. a) Agendas are helpful b) He is ready for lunch! c) He should be doing his work d) His teacher is mad and making him do work. 4) Her friend reached down and pulled her up. Phew, that was close. She looked over the edge of the hill and was thankful her friend caught her. a) Her friend helped her up. b) She almost fell down a hill! 5) What can you infer from the picture? a) He discovered treasure b) He is opening a box 6) What can you infer from the picture? a) they are in the woods b) They are using the map to follow a path. c) they are wearing hats 7) What is happening? Make an inference a) He is playing baseball. b) I sit down sometimes. c) He is sitting down. d) He is feeling bad that he lost. 8) What inference can you make from this picture? What is happening? a) the house is floating away b) A giant storm destroyed the house. c) I have seen a storm before d) I think they would be sad.

An inference maze

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