1) Your best friend is having a sleepover but did not invite you. How would you handle the situation?  2) Your best friend beat you while playing a video game and starts teasing you about it in front of friends. How would you handle the situation?  3) Your friend brags about making better grades than you. How would you handle the situation? 4) A kid at school started a bed rumor about you at school.  How would you handle the situation? 5) Your best friend told a group of friends about a situation you asked to keep private. How would you handle the situation?  6) Your friend stopped answering all of your phone call and text messages. How would you handle the situation? 7) Your friend beat you in a science fair contest you both entered. How would you handle the situation? 8) Your classmate made fun of you for wanting to watch cartoons. How would you handle the situation? 9) Another student yells in your face that they do not like you. How would you handle the situation? 10) Your sibling takes your favorite object and hides it. How would you handle the situation? 11) Your classmate called you a bad name when you won an award for good grades. How would you handle the situation? 12) Your friend lies to you about what she is doing over the weekend. How would you handle the situation? 13) Your best friend told you another friend was talking about you. How would you handle the situation?

Middle School Conflict Resolution Game

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