1) I was deep in thoughts over the _________________that I had landed myself in. a) valiant b) precarious c) momentarily d) predicament 2) I ran out of _______________ and wondered what I should do. a) aback b) struggled c) predicament d) options 3) My fear _______________ into anger and I was furious for being threatened. a) momentarily b) aback c) transformed d) predicament 4) I was __________________ stunned when he screamed at me. a) predicament b) valiant c) options d) momentarily 5) I was taken _________________ by his sudden aggression. a) aback b) seized c) transformed d) momentarily 6) The robber put up a _____________________ attempt in self-defence. a) valiant b) aback c) predicament d) transformed 7) The police officer __________________the golden opportunity to apprehend the robber. a) aback b) momentarily c) seized d) predicament 8) The boy put up a ______________________ struggle as he did not want to be bullied anymore. a) struggled b) valiant c) options d) precarious 9) I _________________ myself free and sprang to my feet. a) transformed b) struggled c) predicament d) aback

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