animal cell structures - cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, plant cell structures - chloroplasts, cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, vacuole, mitochondria, ribosomes, fungal cell structures - cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, vacuole, ribosomes, mitochondria, bacterial cell structures - cell wall, cell membrane, chromosome, plasmid, plant cell, animal cell, fungal cell, bacterial cell, cell membrane - controls entry and exit of substances (semi-permeable), cell wall - provides support for the cell, (composed of cellulose in plants), (freely permiable), cytoplasm - site of chemical reactions, vacuole - contains cell sap, chloroplast - site of photosynthesis, ribosome - site of protein synthesis, mitochondria - site of aerobic respiration, plasmid - small ring of additional DNA, micrometer - unit used to measure cells 1000x smaller than mm, cell width calculation - Count the number of cells in view and divide this number into the diameter view of the microscope,

National 5 biology 1.1 cell structure

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