case study - Teaching strategy in which students analyze a particular problem or story that requires a solution., demonstration - Teaching tool used to explain a process using many examples. , direct instruction - Instructional approaches that are structured, sequenced, and led by the teacher. , discussion - Teaching tool in which a teacher encourages students to share thoughts and ideas about a topic. , experiential learning - Involves learning from experience or real life simulations, experimental lab - A lab experience that uses formal processes to research problems without a specific solution., productive lab - a lab experience that focuses on producing an end product with a specific outcome. , independent study - The student is guided by the teacher, however, the student is responsible for their own learning., indirect instruction - Involves a high level of student involvement, the role of the teacher shifts to facilitator, supporter, or resource person. , instructional strategies - Basic teaching formats used to develop specific learning activities. , lecture - An oral presentation of information to an audience. , open-ended questions - Require more than a few words as an answer. , pacing - The rate at which a teacher presents lessons throughout the day. , reflective response - a strategy in which students think deeply about a situation and describe that thinking process, wait time - A pause between asking a question and accepting an answer; designed to allow students to mentally process the question,
Instructional Strategies
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