Sahara Desert - Occupies 3.6 million square miles of African continent; the same size as China, Caravans - Often had thousands of camels: loaded with goods, fresh water., Mali - Ghana was replaced by this powerful kingdom in the 12th Century., Sundiata - Mali’s founding ruler, became the subject of legend., Mansa Musa - Sundiata’s great grand-nephew, maybe the richest man ever., Timbuktu - One of the largest cities of the Mali Kingdom., Islam - This religion became a prominent part of culture due to the trade routes., Ibn Battuta - Arab merchant; his writings helped us understand the trade routes., Arabian Camel - Compared to horses, these animals can consume large quantities of water at one time., Camel Saddles - Various types of existed for specific purposes, based on the region,

Trans-Saharan Match-Up

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