The Quipu was a form of numerical data.: Knots were tied to dangling strings to represent numbers., Inca officials likely used the quipus to record and track data., The patterns of the knots show repeating numbers., Helped count people and crops, The position of the knot determined if it was a ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands, The Quipu was used as a form of written language.: The order of the knots is a code for the name of an Incan city., The knots were language symbols, An old manuscript was found with pieces of a quipu. The author of the manscript says quipus are symbols.  , Researchers found identical three-knot pattern they believe is code for the name of Incan city, The manuscript matches the symbols with a list of words., General information about the Quipu mystery.: Only about 600 Quipu remain, Quipu were made of cotton and wool strings, Strings had groups of knots. , Some cords had horizontal strings attached, Quipu was an invention of the Incas. ,

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