economic migrant - 1/ a person who leaves their home country to live in another country with better working conditions, political asylum - 2/ protection given by a government to foreign people who have left their own country because they disagree with their own government, sniffer dogs - 3/ specially trained dogs that can smell drugs and bombs, spot checks - 4/ checks done without warning, landing card - 5/ form with your personal details and date of arrival, traffic offence - 6/ illegal actions related to vehicle driving and traffic, search warrant - 7/ official permission from a judge or magistrate to search your house, customs declaration form - 8/ form showing how much money and what good you are carrying, entry restrictions - 9/ rules about who can can enter a country and for how long, parking ticket - 10/ papers placed on driver's windscreens fining them for illegal parking, vaccination certificate - 11/ paper proving you have had the necessary health injections, coup attempt - 12/ an attempt (often violent) by citizens/the military to take control of the government, fixed penalty - 13/ fixed sum payable for a particular offence, close-run election - 14/ an election where a number of parties win a similar number of constituencies/votes,

POLITICS Handout, ex. 3 (21)

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