Ostrich - I'm a tall bird. I can't fly., Kangaroo - I live in Australia. I can jump very high., Snail - I've got a shell on my back. I move very slowly., Polar bear - I live near the North Pole. I'm big and white., Starfish - I have five points. I live on the ocean floor., Camel - I have a hump. I live in the desert., Ladybug - I'm red with black spots. I live on a leaf., Cow - I live on a farm. I make milk., Peacock - I can't fly very well. I've got a beautiful tail., Owl - I'm a bird. I'm wise., Octopus - I live in the ocean. I've got 8 arms., Parrot - I'm colorful. I can talk like a human., Bee - I'm black and yellow. I make honey., Shark - I've got large teeth. I'm an ocean predator., Crab - I live on the beach. I have a strong grip., Bat - I hang upside down. I fly at night., Whale - I'm huge. I live in the sea., Zebra - I'm black and white. I'm not a horse., Tiger - I'm a big cat. I'm black and yellow., Frog - I'm small and green. I've got big eyes. I can jump, Monkey - I've got two arms and two legs. I can climb trees.,
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