My boss caught me playing computer games this morning and got really angry, I’ve got a terrible hangover, Someone stole my phone from the back pocket of my jeans while I was on the bus, I can’t keep my eyes open. I didn’t go to bed until 2 o’clock last night, I couldn’t sleep last night. My neighbour kept playing loud music until 3 a.m., I was really late for work today, I drank a bottle of wine at the dinner with my friends then I drove my car home and police stopped me and took my driving license, My wife bought a new dress and it doesn’t suit her at all but she really likes it and I couldn’t tell her the truth., I went on a date with a guy and he chose a very posh restaurant. When the bill arrived he split the total and I had to pay the half even though he ordered much more expensive dishes., I told a person that I was a surgeon to impress her/him. Now he/she asks me for health advice.

should have done

Papan mata

Kad rawak ialah templat terbuka. Ia tidak menjana skor untuk papan mata.

Gaya visual


Tukar templat

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