positive self-talk - Thinking about the good parts of a bad situation, active listening - Hearing and showing you understand what a person is saying, sleep - Teens use this strategy most often to help reduce stress, setting goals - If you reach these they will help boost your self-esteem, mental health - The way people think about and respond to events in their daily lives, excercise - Both adults and teens use this strategy to reduce stress., self-esteem - The measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself, crying - A healthy expression to an emotion, hormones - Chemical changes that help control how the body grows and functions, anxiety - This is an emotional sign of negative stress., defense mechanisms - These automatic behaviors are used to reduce uncomfortable stress, headaches - This is a physical sign of negative stress., immune system - Long term stress effects this body system, talking - This communication skill helps with unpleasant emotions., emotion - A feeling produced in response to a life event, body language - Expressing emotion with your face,hands, and posture, violence - An unhealthy way to express emotion, trigger - Situations, people and events that cause a person to feel an emotion, women - This group attempts suicide more often, but men actual commit suicide most often., be positive - This is one way to build your self esteem first thing in the morning.,
Managing Mental & Emotional Health Unit
7th Grade
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