Masseter Muscle - Connects mandible and cheekbones; elevates mandible and closes mouth, Temporalis Muscle - Large, fan shaped muscle; Retracts and elevates mandible; Side to side movement , Medial Pterygoid - Connects mandible with maxilla; Sphenoid and palatine bones; Elevates mandible and protrudes the jaw, Lateral Pterygoid - Two headed muscle located in the infra temporal fossa of skull; Depresses and protrudes the mandible to open the mouth, Cervical Spine - 7 , Thoracic Spine - 12, Lumbar Spine and Sacral Fused Spine - 5, Coccygeal Fused Spine - 3-4, Unpaired Laryngeal Cartilages - Cricoid, Thyroid, and Epiglottis, Paired Laryngeal Cartilages - Arytenoid, Corniculate, Cuneiform, Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscles - Suprahyoid, Stylopharyngeus, and Infrahyoid, Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles - PCA, LCA, Transverse Arytenoid, Oblique Arytenoid, Cricothyroid, Thyroarytenoid, VC Abduction Muscle(s) - PCA, VC Adduction Muscle(s) - LCA, Transverse Arytenoid, Oblique Arytenoid, Cricothyroid, and Thyroarytenoid, 3 Pairs of Vocal Folds - True, Aryepiglottic, Ventricular (false) ,

Praxis Anatomy

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