Opinion: Scooters are so cool., Snow is very pretty., Ice cream is delicious., Swimming is fun!, Little brothers are nice. , iPads are awesome., Opinion with a reason: Orange soda is gross because it has too much sugar., Snowy days are the worst because it is too cold., Computers are great because you can look up information., The playground is great. One reason is because you can climb., Toys are the best. They are the best because you can build things., Opinion With LOTS of Reasons: Skating is dangerous because there is only 4 wheels to balance. Another reason is because you can fall and get hurt. Also, you have to balance., Roses are pretty. They are pretty because there are lots of colors. Another reason is because of the sweet smell. Also, roses have petals that are soft and delicate., Pizza is the best food because the cheese is yummy. Another reason is because pizza has crunchy crust. Also because you can add different toppings on pizza., Soccer is boring because you have to chase after the ball. Another reason is because there is only 1 ball. Also it can take a long time to score a goal., Dogs are good pets because they protect you. Another reason is because dogs can keep you company. Also because dogs are loving.,

Opinion and Reasons

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