high temperatures - measurements of how hot the weather is, low temperatures - measurements of how cold the weather is, freezing temperatures - measurements of when the weather is extremely cold, bitterly cold - extremely cold, quite cold - a bit cold, really cold - very cold, dry weather - weather where no rain falls, chilly wind - wind that is uncomfortably cold, thick fog - clouds that touch the ground and are difficult to see through, dense fog - clouds that touch the ground and are very difficult to see through, heavy fog - thick clouds that touch the ground, cold air - air with a low temperature, fresh air - air that is clean and cool, freezing air - very cold air, lovely weather - pleasant weather, torrential rain - very violent and heavy rain, light rain - rain that has small raindrops, foggy - (of weather) full of fog,misty, strong wind - air that moves very quickly and with force because of the weather, rough wind - wind that blows in strong gusts,


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