Pharoah - The supreme leaders of the land. These could either be Kings or Queens., Scarab - A type of beetle found in Egypt that was sacred to the Egyptians., Papyrus - A type of ancient paper., Scribe - The name of someone who could read and write., Amulet - A small object worn or carried by someone in the name of a god., Canopic Jars - Small containers that would hold the internal organs of a mummy., Sarcophagus - A stone container for a body., Tomb - A place where a body would be buried or laid to rest., Afterlife - Relating to a time after a person's death., Hieroglyphics - A system of writing that used pictures and symbols instead of words and numbers., Mummification - The process of preserving the skin and the flesh of a body by embalming it and drying it out., Irrigation - Watering crops through man-made channels such as ditches or canals., Shaduf - An Egyptian pump that lifted water., Sphinx - A mythical being that had the body of a lion or cat and the head of a human. , Oasis - An area of desert that has a freshwater supply and plants and trees can grow around it., Egyptologist - Someone who studies the Ancient Egytpians., Ankh - The Egyptian hieroglyphic character which meant 'life'., Pyramid - A four sided structure that was built by the Egyptians., Barter - A system used to exchange goods without using money., Rosetta Stone - A stone slab found with identical Egyptian and Greek writing, meaning that the hieroglyphics could be decoded and understood.,
Ancient Egypt Vocabulary
Ancient History
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