collection - My father owns a large __________ of stamps., botanist - Ryan aspires to be a __________ in future as he loves plants., backbones - The class wants to learn more about animals without __________., enrich - Be someone who would __________ the lives of others., shrubs - A lioness squatted in the __________, waiting for her dinner., creepers - My aunt is afraid of all kinds of __________, including the tiny ones., tide - The children could not swim in the sea as it was high __________., mainland - The island is joined to the __________ by a bridge., underneath - My brother's classroom is right __________ mine., spiny - Jason has a long and __________ cactus in his garden., waterfall - After eight hours, the trekkers finally reached the beautiful __________., creatures - Stella painted a beautiful scene of sea __________ playing on a beach.,

Spelling Practice: The Stars of Chek Jawa


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