shoplifting - the crime of stealing something from a shop, smuggling - taking something illegally into another country, kidnap - to take a person hostage in exchange for money, fraud - lie to people and steal their money, fraudster - a person who steals people's money by lying to them, commit - verb used to describe an action of doing something bad (crime), witness - a person who sees a crime happening , accomplice - someone who helps someone commit a crime, charge with - find someone guilty and connect them to the crime (two words), evidence - information used in court to decide whether the person is guilty or not, crime scene - a physical place where an offence happened , fingerprints - a piece of DNA left by someone from their hands which can help to connect them with a crime, trial - legal process which aim is to decide whether the person is guilty or not, plead not guilty - to say that the person did not commit a crime (3 words), acquit  - to find a person NOT guilty , parole - when a person leaves jail/prison earlier for good behaviour , offender - someone who commits an illegal act, suspect - a person who is thought to have committed an offence, serve - to spend time in prison, deliberation - discussion ,

Crime lv2

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