高级 - senior, high-ranking, 副 - deputy, vice, 开发 - to develop, to exploit, 中心 - center, 相关 - to correate, to be relevant, 业务 - professional work, business, 现实 - reality, 个人 - individual, 以及 - and also, as well, 程度 - degree, level, 发达 - developed, advanced, 创新 - to create sth. new, to innovate, 领导 - leader, 地位 - position, status, 经营 - to manage, to run, 销售 - to sell, to market, 针对 - to be targeted at, 当地 - local, in the locality, 代言 - to speak on behalf of, 华裔 - foreign citizen of Chinese origin, 移民 - immigrant,

HSK5 L12 海外用户玩儿微信 new words-2

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