by the time you get home, by the time she finishes studying, by this time on Friday, by this time on Monday, by the weekend, by next week, by 2025, within 6 months, within a year, in two weeks' time, in five years' time, when they get here, when she comes, before we travel, before it closes, within five working days, within 2 business days, by the end of this week, by the end of the year, the year after next, the week after next, the day after tomorrow, in the next couple of years, 2 years from now, 10 years in the future, by 3 o'clock on Wednesday, by the time I finish this, at this time next week, in ten business days, within ten working days, by tonight, on the weekend after this one, two days after the meeting, four weeks after that, in the near future, later this evening, way off in the future, in an hour, in about 5 years, this afternoon, this Saturday, next Summer, next holiday, tomorrow morning, on Sunday afternoon, on Saturday night, on Thursday morning, until tomorrow night, tonight, sometime/some day,
Future Perfect - Sentence Creation
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