1 - Are you a planner or a procrastinator? Why?, 2 - What do you get distracted by when you're working? How do you try to avoid distractions?, 3 - I am going to + noun... / I am going to + Verb..., 4 - Ask questions about plans (What? Where? Who with? Why?), 5 - Get+noun/get+adj/get +phrasal verb, 6 - Проблемы во время тел разговоров, 7 - Tell about your plans and how you made the arrangements., 8 - Tell about article "Tomorrow's world" Is it a better world for us? Why/why/not?, 9 - записать сообщение (телефонное) отменить бронь, 10 - Be of two minds /travel light/ learn by heart/go window shopping (in rus) , 11 - be likely to + Verb..../ likely + adj....(explain), 12 - I worked hard and got a lot of things __this morning., 13 - I hope I...../I think you...[-], 14 - When's the last time you put your feet in your mouth?, 15 - В краткосрочной перспективе/в долгосрочной перспективе, 16 - Places/people you plan to visit next month, 17 - may/might/could (explain), 18 - Do you often have to work against the clocks?, 19 - He is a horse dark (explain), 20 - избавиться от чего-то/закончить что-то/откладывать, отсрочивать (in eng), 21 - добиться цели/отвлекаться (in Eng), 22 - It's late. I really think we should get …, 23 - В ближ. будущем/через 10 лет/в ближ. 5-10 лет/через год или два (in eng),
Unit 3 Final Speakout Intermediate
Speakout Intermediate
Be going to
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