Government - Made up of the formal institutions and processes throughout which decisions are made for a group of people, 3 Main components of Government - People, Power, Policy, People of Government - Elected officials and public servants, Powers of Government - Government's authority and ability to get things done, Policies of Government - Any decision made by gov in the pursuit of a particular goal, State - A body of people living in a defined territory who have a government with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority., Population - State must have people, but population size does not matter, Territory - Must have clearly defined and recognized borders, Sovereignty - supreme power to act within its territory and to control external affairs, Primary Functions of Government - Ensure National Security, Maintain Order, Resolve Conflict, Provide Services, Provide for Public Good, Ensure National Security - Guard its territory and its people against external threats, Maintain Order - Securing the safety of people and property by creating and enforcing laws, Resolve Conflict - Provided means to resolve conflicts through politics and the legal system, Provide Services - Provide a variety of services ranging from education to public transportation, paid for by tax dollars, Provide for Public Good - Make decisions and policies that attempt to balance the public good with the needs of smaller segments of the population, nation - a group of people with a common culture living in a territory and having a strong sense of unity, law (policy) - The rules that governments make for their citizens to follow are called,
1.1 - The State and Purpose of Government
US Government
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