1) What is the capital of Germany? a) Hamburg b) Bremen c) Berlin d) Munich 2) In what year did Hitler come to power in Germany? a) 1919 b) 1933 c) 1939 d) 1945 3) And what year did Hitler die? a) 1919 b) 1933 c) 1939 d) 1945 4) What year did East and West Germany reunify - creating what we call Germany today? a) 1945 b) 1990 c) 2000 d) 2010 5) what food is Germany famous for? a) Sausage b) Beans c) Rice d) Curry 6) What drink is Germany famous for? a) Wine b) Lemonade c) Green Tea d) Beer 7) Which of these is a famous German author? a) Stanislavski b) Chekov c) Sulu d) Brecht 8) Who is the current Chancellor of Germany? a) Olaf Scholz b) Angela Merkel c) Willy Brandt d) Minnie Mouse 9) Who is the current President of Germany? a) Franz Ferdinand b) Kaiser Wilhelm c) Frank-Walter Steinmeier d) James Tiberius Kirk 10) What currency do they use in Switzerland? a) Dollar b) Swiss franc c) Canadian dollar d) French franc 11) Which of these is a famous German film star? a) Daniel Bruhl b) Oscar Wilde c) Terry Nutkins d) Paul Chuckle 12) Approximately how many people live in Germany? a) 6 million b) 66 million c) 81 million d) 150 million 13) How many Bundesländer (similar to our counties) are in Germany? a) 5 b) 16 c) 20 d) 45 14) What are the colours of the German flag? a) Red and white b) Black, red and gold c) Sort of pinky-purply d) Green and orange 15) What is Oktoberfest? a) A religious festival b) A beer festival c) The day children go back to school d) A German pop group 16) Which of these was not first created in Germany? a) Movable printed type b) The first automobile c) Coffee filters d) Hot air balloons 17) Does the sausage have curry in it in Currywurst? a) sometimes b) yes c) no d) probably 18) What kind of literature are the Grimm brothers famous for writing? a) fairy tales b) crime c) romance d) war 19) What is the German traditional dress called in German? a) Stiefel b) Tracht c) Rock d) Mantel 20) What do the British call the German traditional clothing? a) Bier and Butter b) Kleider machen Leute c) Regenjacke and Schlafanzughose d) Dirndl and Lederhosen

S5 German Kultur quiz

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