Olfactory (CN I) - Smell and smell interpretation, including peristalsis, salivation, and sexual stimulation, Optic (CN II) - Vision, including visual acuity and peripheral vision, Oculomotor (CN III) - Extraocular movements (EOMs): Upward, Medial, Downward, Up and In. Eyelid Raising and Pupil Constriction, Trochlear (CN IV) - EOMs: down and in, Trigeminal (CN V) - supplies sensations to the face, mucous membranes, and other structures of the head, Abducens (CN VI) - EOMs: lateral, Facial (CN VII) - Taste and sensation for the anterior two thirds of the tongue and soft palate; serves as the primary motor nerve for facial expression, Acoustic (CN VIII) - Hearing & Equilibrium, Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) - Pharyngeal muscle elevation for swallowing and speech; parotid gland secretion; general sensory (pain, touch, temperature) function, Vagus (CN X) - Provides most parasympathetic innervation to a large region; effects include digestion, defecation, slowed heart rate, and reduced contraction strength, Spinal Accessory (CN XI) - Swallowing and speaking; innervates the muscles that turn the head and elevates the shoulders (shoulder shrug), Hypoglossal (CN XII) - Tongue movement,
Cranial Nerve Function
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