organism - 1 of any living thing, exponential growth equation - G = rN; "J" shaped curve when graphed, biotic factor - the living or once living parts of a habitat, abiotic factors - the nonliving parts of an organism's habitat, logistic growth equation - G = rN (K-N)/K; "S" shaped when graphed, population - all the members of one species living in a particular area, carrying capacity - the largest number of individuals in a given population that the environment can support, population distribution - how organisms distribute themselves in a populations, ecology - the study of how organisms interact with each other and with their environment, birth rate - the number of births in a given time period, death rate - the number of deaths in a given period, immigration - moving INTO a population, emigration - LEAVING a population, population density - the number of individuals in an area of a specific size, limiting factor - an environmental factor that causes a population to stop growing or decrease in size, examples of density dependent limiting factors - competition, predation, disease, density independent limiting factors - extreme weather, natural disasters,

Population Ecology

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