Purpose of the Maximum Emergency Generation Notification - provide an early indication that forward looking analysis and/or RUC processes indicate a need for Emergency Capacity to maintain its BA obligation as part of Emergency procedures., MDRA - Acronym for Multi-Day Reliability Assessment, DBDA - Acronym for Day-Before Day-Ahead, DBDA Study - This study runs every day automatically at 2200 for every hour of the Operating Day., OD-2 and OD-1 - Terms used to indicate how many days before the operating day , SFT Check - A contingency analysis of the Operating Day to identify loading levels of all activated flowgates and potential new constraints, Purpose of MDRA - Identify resources that require 12+ hours to start up and/or have a ≥5% impact on breached constraint, Each day, at least three days prior to the Operating Day - When SPP performs the MDRA , Capacity Adequacy - What MDRA (like all RUC studies) assesses each Operating Day, SCUC and SCED - MDRA algorithms that recommend the most economic solution to meet obligations, Minimum Production Cost - Cheapest total cost of all generation; the objective of all RUC studies, Key Inputs to the MDRA - Real-time Resource Offers; Est. Fixed Interchange Transactions; Est. SPP Operating Reserve; SPP Mid-Term Load Forecast; Transmission, SPP Shift Engineer - Can modify MDRA inputs, if necessary, SCED - Takes all the generation that is cleared out of the SCUC algorithm and dispatches it economically for each hour, SCUC - Optimally clears resources while minimizing costs and enforcing security constraints, Purpose of the DA Market - Commit resources for the next Operating Day, Demand Bids - Bids to buy Energy for Load, Resource Offers - Offers to supply Energy, Benefit of DA Market to MPs - Provides them with price assurance prior to real-time, Production Costs - Cost to operate a resource for a particular period of time, accounting for the following costs: startup, no load, energy up to maximum, energy above minimum, and Operating Reserves,
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