1 proud and unfriendly  - H haughty, 2 to make a dangerous or tense situation calmer - D defuse, 3 used to describe (sb who has) strong opinions or feelings that are impossible to change - I implacable, 4 lacking taste, character or interest   - B bland, 5 always wanting more money - G grasping, 6 too concerned about unimportant details  - N nit-picking, 7 unpleasant and rude - O obnoxious, 8 full of energy and enthusiasm  - L lively, 9 old-fashioned (informal)  - F fuddy-duddy, 10 honest and telling the truth, especially about sth difficult or painful  - C candid, 11 to end a disagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding (normally used in a disapproving way) - A appease, 12 to wish very strongly, especially for sth that one cannot have or something that is very difficult to have - E yearn, 13 opposite of strong attraction  - R repulsion, 14 expressing great happiness at a victory/success - J jubilant, 15 having no problems or not being worried about anything - K carefree, 16 tending not to talk about one's own abilities and achievements - M modest, 17 trying to appear more serious or important than one is - P pretentious,


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