Breakfast is included - The breakfast is in the price, Vacancy - An avaiable room in a hotel, Check-in - Go to the front desk and register, Check out - Return the key and settle the bill, Adjoining rooms - Two rooms connected with a door, Book - Arrange to stay in a hotel, Deposit - Amount paid ahead, Full board - All meals are included, Half board - Breakfast and a main meal included, Room with a view - The window overlooks a nice place, Wake up call - A phone call from the front desk, Single room - Room with one bed, Double room - Room with two beds, Twin room - A room with two separate beds, Suite - A set of rooms, Charge 45 $ per night - The price of the room for a night, Bellboy - A man in a hotel employed to carry cases, open doors, etc, Housekeeper - A person whose job is to clean and tidy guests' bedrooms., Receptionist - A person whose job is to welcome, help guests and answers the telephone, Doorman - A person whose job is to stand by the door of a hotel and allow people to go in and out, open their car doors, etc, Bed and breakfast - A place where you can sleep and eat, Complimentary breakfast - Free breakfast, Valet - His job is to park guests' cars,
At the hotel
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