Type 0 Conditional (facts): If it's too cold and wet, the rain eventually becomes snow., If there's no air to breathe, one dies asphyxiated., When you don't drink water, you get dehydrated., Type 1 Conditional (future possible): Unless you come on time, we'll never be able to watch the play., I'll go away if Mary doesn't come anytime soon., If Kenny (G.) plays that darned song again, please don't kill yourself!, If they prepare better this year, they might go to a big university., We're gonna go to Acapulco, if Mr. Madruga pays his 14-month delayed rent., If my girlfriend is at home, we can go the grocery store., Type 2 Conditional (present unreal): If she had time this weekend, she could visit her grandma., Unless he became a millionare, he'd never buy a Ferrari., We could go out and eat some muffins if we met again., I'd make some caipirinha for us if I there were lemons here., We'd be fired if the boss found out who did it!, I wouldn't allow that to happen, unless I were too stupid., Type 3 Conditional (past unreal): If I had been there before, all this fuzz could have been avoided., If we hadn't lingered on lunch, we'd have reached Santa Fe before evening., If Johnny hadn't eaten all those clams the day before, he would have been so bad the next day., If she had had time last weekend, she would have visited her grandma., If I had got a minute, I would have gotten your call.,
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