affectionate - shows his love to everybody, ambitious - has a lot of plans for the future, bossy - likes to control others, sociable - communicate with people great, stubborn - person who stays on his own point of view, organized - likes to put everything in order, irresponsible - isn't trustful, sympathetic - is kind and help other people if they have problems, confident - self-assured, shy - feels uncomfortable with other people, calm - isn't worried a lot about the things, caring - takes care about others, reliable - person who keeps the promises, whom we can trust, lazy - person who likes doing nothing, patient - person who can wait for a long time, without being nervous, sensitive - person who cries on Hatiko film, open - curious person, likes a lot of new interesting things, honest - person, who always tell the truth, creative - person who has a good imagination, hard-working - person, who works a lot, negative - person who isn't positive, disorganized - person, who is messy, and never puts things in order, easy-going - person who isn't worried about anything, kind - likes helping animals and old people, moody - person, whose mood changes really fast,
Roadmap B1 unit 1B Personality voc present
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