1 Month - Lifts and turns head to side in prone position. Head lag when pulled to sit. Rounded back in sitting, 2 Months - Raises head and chest, holds position. Head control is improving, 3 Months - Raises head to 45 degrees in prone. Slight head lag in pull-to-sit, 4 Months - Lifts head and looks around. Rolls from prone to supine. Head leads body when pulled to sit, 5 Months - Rolls from supine to prone and back again. Sits with back upright when supported, 6 Months - Tripod sits, 7 Months - Sits alone with some use of hands for support, 8 Months - Sits unsupported, 9 Months - Crawls, abdomen off floor, 10 Months - Pulls to stand. Cruises, 12 Months  - Sits from standing position. Walks independently,

INFANT - Gross Motor Skills

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