Delirium: Rapid – Medical Emergency, Onset - Brief (hours-days), LOCLevel of Consciousness - Affected/fluctuate, impaired, Short-term memory impaired , Speech: May have slurred, rambling, pressured, irrelevant., Thought processes: Temporary disorganized , Preception Visual and tactile, hallucinations, delusions, Mood: Hallucinating, irritable, agitation, Dementia: Onset: Gradual , Duration: Progressive deterioration, Level of Consciousness: Not affected , Short -term impaired then long-term memory impaired and eventually destroyed, Speech: Normal early stage then progress to aphasia in later stage., Impaired thinking, eventually loss of thinking ability, Perception - Often absent but can hallucinate, paranoia, Mood: Depressed and anxious in early stages, Labile, restlessness pacing, outburst in late stage,

Delirium vs Dementia

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