HABITS AND ROUTINES (pr. simple) - I attend English classes twice a week., PRESENT STATES  (pr. simple) - I don’t own a car. , FACTS AND LAWS OF NATURE (pr. simple) - It rains a lot in autumn., SCHEDULES AND TIMETABLES (pr. simple) - My plane leaves at 2 tomorrow. , JOKES, STORIES (pr. simple) - And the princess kisses the frog. , NEWSPAPER HEADLINES (pr. simple) - Over a hundred passengers die in a plane crash., ACTION AT THE TIME OF SPEAKING (pr. continuous) - Are you listening to the teacher or checking your Facebook account?, TEMPORARY SITUATIONS (pr. continuous) - I’m looking for a new job., CHANGES AND DEVELOPMENT (pr. continuous) - Dollar is dropping in value., ANNOYING BEHAVIOR (pr. continuous) - You’re always telling me I’m immature!, FIXED FUTURE ARRANGEMENT (pr. continuous) - We’re meeting at 5 at Celentano. , PAST ACTION with A PRESENT RESULT (pr. perfect) - I’ve lost my book. Can you help me find it?, PAST LIFE EXPERIENCE (TIME ISN’T IMPORTANT) (pr. perfect) - I’ve been to Disney. , PAST ACTION BUT THE TIME PERIOD IS UNFINISHED - I’ve paid for the course this week., ACTION STARTED IN THE PAST AND IS STILL GOING ON (with state verbs) - I’ve known my best friend for 10 years., ACTION STARTED IN THE PAST AND IS STILL GOING ON (with action verbs) - I’ve been working at Greenforest since 2014., PAST ACTION HAS A VISIBLE RESULT NOW (present perfect continuous) - I’ve been working very hard this week that’s why I’m totally exhausted., REPEATED ACTION (WE DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES) - My neighbor has been beating his wife up. Should I call the police?, IN QUESTIONS WITH How long...? (Pr. perf. continuous) - How long have you been working here?, REPEATED ACTION (we know how many times) (Pr.perf.sim.) - I have seen this film 3 times so far.,



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