Innate Immunity - the immune systems first line of defense, Adaptive Immunity - the immune systems second line of defense using T cells and B cells , Phagocytes - a cell that engulfs large particles or whole cells, B-Cells - produces antibodies in response to antigens, Lymph - fluid found in lymphatic system, Antigens - a substance that stimulates an immune response, T cells - multiply then seek out and destroy infected cells in adaptive immunity, Plasma cells - produce antibodies that recognize invaders (pathogens) in adaptive immunity, Epidermis - The most superficial layer of the skin that covers almost the entire body surface. Largest organ in the body., Sweat glands - Secretes water and sodium chloride. Used to lower body temperature through evaporation., Hair - Helps to protect the body from UV rays and helps insulate the body., Sebaceous glands - Produce an oily secretion known as sebum. Acts to waterproof and increase elasticity., Digestive - the integumentary system works with this system by helping to synthesize and absorb vitamin D, which encourages the uptake of calcium from our diet., Circulatory - the integumentary system works with this system by hosting capillaries in the dermal layers., Immune  - the integumentary system works with this system byhaving immune cells live in the skin and provide the first line of defense against infections, Nails - made of hardened keratinocytes. Reinforce and protect the end of the digits and manipulating small objects.,

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